I have always been a packrat so the idea of saving all my leftover packaging and what nots came naturally. I also am in love with thrift stores so those things combined with my treehugger-ness helped me to find my crafting niche by recycling/reusing anything I can get my hands on! It also doesn't hurt that this is a cheap alternative to regular crafting, which can get pretty pricey for a college undergrad! Like I said I am a treehugger so the though of all the packaging that would end up in the landfill makes me cringe, hence the name of the blog, "Crafter with a cause." It has always been a dream of mine to create an organization where crafters get together and create items to help the community, ex blankets for the homeless, toys for orphanages. I have always gotten tremendous joy from helping people and I truly believe it is for that purpose that I was put on this planet. I am going to try to get closer and closer to that dream but for now my cause will be reusing through the art of crafting!
I am going to try to keep crafting and updating this blog regularly but it might be hard considering my schedule is pretty hectic! (I am a nursing major so you can imagine my schedule!) I have an amazing boyfriend who was my high school sweetheart so you will frequently here me talk, er, type about him.
Enough about me, let the crafting begin!
To kick off my blog I decided to post a project I just finished for my boyfriends birthday. My boyfriend is an avid gamer so I decided to make him an old school Nintendo controller clock!
Two years ago I bought a poster that had a cardboard back to it that recently fell off. I decided to save the back and incorporate it into crafts. I cut a rectangular shape out of it for the "base" of the controller. I used my leftover felt from previous projects to create the buttons and body of the controller. I bought the clock parts from Hobby Lobby but I'm sure you could use an old clock from a thrift store as well.
All in all I'm very pleased with the project and my boyfriend absolutely loved it! I am def. going to have to make more for all my friends! Can you say birthday gift?!
Look for another ongoing project Sunday!